Aspley State Schools preferred methods of payment are BPOINT and QParents.
If you have not yet been registered with a QParent account, please contact the school office via to request your students EQ ID and link for registering to QParents to be issued to you.
On all invoices raised by the school, there is a BPOINT link located in the lower left hand corner of the invoice. You are able to click this link to be taken to a secure page to enter your card information and submit payment. If done correctly this will automatically match off in the system ensuring that you do not need to follow up on payments.
Should your family be experiencing financial hardship and not be able to meet the payment deadline on an invoice, please contact our Business Manager during school hours 8am - 4pm Monday to Friday or via to discuss possible payment plan options.
Payments for invoices must be received by the school on or before the due date listed on the invoice.
The school will ensure due dates for payments are as close as possible to the activity taking place. If payments are not received by the due date and no prior contact has been made to discuss a payment plan with the Business Manager, the student will be unable to participate in the activity.
The front office is still able to accept cash payments, however does not keep a float. This means that if you are wishing to pay an invoice with cash, you must ensure that you have the correct amount as no change can be provided.
When the time comes for your family to leave Aspley State School, it is required to ensure their financial account is cleared. Please ensure enough notice is provided to the school when your family is existing the school to have these accounts checked and cleared.
All notes for activities now include the following sentence to remind parents of the policy. Please note that any payments received after this date will not be accepted and your child will, therefore, be unable to participate in this activity.
We thank you for your understanding in adhering to this school procedure.
Aspley State School - Preferred Payment Method.pdf