Aspley State School offers a wide range of educational
experiences for its students. With a strong focus upon literacy and numeracy, the
Australian Curriculum is followed in the subject areas of English, Maths,
Science, History and Geography. The syllabi for the other key learning areas are
guided by Education Queensland's Essential Learnings.
Aspley State School, established in 1890, values and
promotes lifelong learning for all members of our school community. Curriculum
is student-focused, aims to maximise achievement for all students and provides
opportunities for enrichment. Student learning opportunities are scaffolded to
support students towards becoming independent learners.
Aspley offers a wide range of cultural, sporting and
enrichment activities. We have an excellent music program inclusive of choirs,
instrumental music, recorder and percussion groups. Extracurricular activities
include private tuition in art, tennis, swimming and chess. With a large
assembly hall, swimming pool, tennis courts and technology lab, our school
is future-focused, ensuring we are preparing our students for their future.
A strong commitment to environmental sustainability is
fostered through our education programs, practical initiatives such as the
installation of water tanks to service our toilets and swimming pool and a
solar energy system complementing usage to and from the electricity grid, and
classroom initiatives such as composting, recycling and gardening programs. We
are an active participant in the Queensland Environmental Sustainable Schools
Assessment and reporting
Reporting to parents occurs twice yearly at the end of Term
2 and Term 4. Reports use a 5 point scale for benchmarking student
A valuable method of communication is the parent/teacher
interview. These are offered twice a
year to discuss student progress. Should
a concern arise throughout the year, the teachers are always willing to arrange
a mutually suitable time to meet and discuss any concerns.
The progress of all our students is of paramount importance
to Aspley State School. To assist in
ensuring that all students are progressing satisfactorily, observation tasks
are undertaken in Term 1 and again in Term 4 so that individual growth of
students can be tracked. These tasks are
undertaken with the class teacher and coordinated by the support teacher
(Literacy and Numeracy).